Monday, April 23, 2012

Wind Walker

Wow! Went on a walk today toLake Erie Metropark and about got blown away. I'm a big woman so you know if the wind is going to rock me, it must be a hurricane gale. I drove out to the lake and the wind was coming in at gale force. I know this because I got out of the car to take a photo of a barge and couldn't hold the camera still. The water, of course, was very rough and there wasn't a duck in sight.

My walk through the wood lot was nice. It was sunny and even though the wind was howling it wasn't bad in the woods. Saw a heron and again saw the Kingfisher but wasn't quick enough to get a picture. Also some little deer.

It's evening now and the wind has calmed way down. Hoping to get out again on Thursday.

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