Monday, May 5, 2014

Roseate Spoonbill

 I was so excited to see my first Roseate Spoonbill that I wasn't thinking about my camera settings. Firstly, I was shooting into the rising choice there but then the water was gray and lifeless. Anyway, I tried to do some editing to make the pictures more interesting.
 About 2 hours later, I came back to the causeway and got some excellent photos of a brown Pelican and those 2 hours made all the difference with the lighting. Unfortunately the Spoonbill was gone.

ISO  and shutter speed too low...bummer!
I think that sometimes taking pictures sure distracts from what is going on. Just wish that I had the opportunity to see a fantastic bird like this again...may be a once in a life time thing. After all, I live in Michigan and only visit South Carolina once a year.

I had fun watching the Spoonbill run up and down the shore moving his neck quickly back and forth "spooning" for his breakfast.

What an interesting creature!

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