Thursday, October 2, 2014

Belle Isle, North End

I enjoyed exploring the north end of Belle Isle. the island sits right in the middle of the Detroit River and the north tip faces the Points on the left and Canada on the right. I love this picture with the light house (I must go looking for it) and the tanker traveling down the river.
 The only "all marble" light house in the country.

 Can you see the solar panel on the right top of this channel marker? There is a bird, probably a Cormorant, sitting on the right corner.

 Looking north.
 When I looked at this tower (don't know what it is for) through my binoculars, I could see that it was loaded with birds.

 Leaving the northern tip, I drove through the middle of the island on a very narrow, seldom used road. It was like being in the country! I just prayed that I would not meet a car coming the other way. I came across two bridges that must be very old. Both were in bad shape and even seemed beyond repair or restoration.

This is one of the old deco design.....covered in graffiti. 

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