It was 7 degrees when I got up this morning! That is way too cold for me. Have several appointments in the next few days, otherwise I wouldn't go out at all. Well, it is winter so what do I expect, right?
Even though it was a gloomy day, I wanted to get out doors, get some fresh air and walk. I went to Oakwood with the intent of taking pictures at the bird feeders only to find out that the feeders were empty and no birds anywhere. It was hawk day however, and I saw 4 hawks. Then, at Lower Huron, I got this great photo of a heron. He was standing as still as a stick and I didn't even notice him at first. I think that this is a youngster as he (or she) doesn't have any plumes on his head.
Snow tonight and than bitter cold next week. Keep warm every body.
My brother went with his canoe club for their last canoe run, which they call The Chilly Chili Run. Are they crazy or what? It was bitter cold that day but I understand that the chili was great. My brother, Jim, has the light gray hat and a red kayak. Thanks to whoever took these pictures.