Saturday, November 30, 2013

Trapper's Run Trail

 OK, so maybe I was a bit negative about Mother Nature yesterday. Today, I went for a walk with the thought of looking for some color and I found.......


 Interesting trees
 Doesn't that look like a human arm in the middle of this tree?
 I also saw birds (a few)
and this beautiful scene on one of the canals.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Walk

 I had a very chilly walk Thanksgiving morning. Very few people out, just a few runners. It was very peaceful.

 Did see this fat Squirrel 
 and a group of illegal immigrants.
 At this time of year everything is so monochromatic.....shades of gray and brown and this morning white from the dusting of snow that we had. I could not resist making each picture special by adding effects during if they are dull at least they are an interesting dull.
 Took many pictures in this area in October and got some great fall colors....really looks different now.

 Neglected to grab my binoculars when I shot in this location and sure regretted it. All along this stream were small birds that I couldn't make out...there was a Nuthatch and later I saw a bright red Cardinal. I could only guess that the rest were the "big four". 
Huron River (enhanced)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Durand Railroad Station

Interesting story to tell about this depot....will get around to it after the holidays. We had a great time at the shoot but it was bitter cold. Mary Jo and I went out on the tracks to get our best angle and someone called the this is private RR property. By the time the cop got there we were back in the public domain and played the innocents. $250 fine if we had gotten caught. The inside was a buzz of activity as Santa is coming Friday and they were busy decorating. Got some nice inside shots. We are all hoping to go back in the summer.
Had a great meal at a local place in Durand so despite the cold it was a good time. After I get more photos edited, I will post them along with the history of the station. It is still in use. Amtrak comes in twice a day and goes to Chicago from here.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I Love This Guy

I loved this guy so much, I had to order the book....another Christmas present for me!

Friday, November 22, 2013

My Baby

This is my's old and well used and certainly out-dated but it fits just right in my hand and does what I ask if it. We have traveled a few miles together and had some adventures and my Canon has captured it all.
Today, I took it for it's annual sensor cleaning. Camera Mart, in Pontiac, has it's annual Demo Days and does free sensor cleaning....a great deal even though it took me 45 minutes to get there and 20 minutes standing in line under an umbrella. I left it and then tried to figure out how I was going to kill a few hours. I had planned to visit Stony Creek Metropark but the weather was filthy. I ended up having breakfast #2 at IHOP, shopping at Costco and then finding a Barnes and Noble on Orchard Lake Rd. This was all very difficult in the rain and using a GPS to find my way there. Never have been to Orchard Lake and was surprised at the size. It's probably very pretty there in the summer.
Finally picked up my camera 2 1/2 hrs later and headed home but did stop at Trader Joe's on the way. In our area we don't have many of the stores that you see in Bloomfield or Farmington and since it will be another year before I make my trip again, I couldn't resist stopping in.
Waiting for the sun to shine so I can take my baby out for a photo shoot....maybe Sunday and definitely Thanksgiving day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thanksgiving 2012

Fond memories of last Thanksgiving with Debbie and Susan, downtown Detroit at the parade and a great dinner after at the casino. 

White Breasted Nuthatch

I love the Nuthatch.....what an acrobat, hanging upside down and just gripping the tree with his toes. I am pretty sure this one is a male.

This Nuthatch may be a female...wish I had paid more attention at the time....really admire that pose!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Red Barn on Braun Road

 This barn wasn't as interesting as the things around it. This barn is on the "tour" though. We are suppose to go on a shoot this Sunday of a railroad station...hope the weather is going to cooperate. The last two shoots were cancelled due to weather, plus our teacher has a bum knee, so we will see.

Our group getting their shot. Jeff, our teacher is on the far right.

 Colors weren't at their peak when we were there...of course, all the leaves are gone now :-(

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Birding at Kensington Metropark

Had a great morning birding at Kensington...cold and windy with some snow still on the ground in shady areas. I dressed for it and the sun was shining so all was well. I did serve breakfast so I had a very cooperative group of birds come to pose. I thanked them all and gave them an extra handful of seed when I left. Had the big 4 show up plus a red-bellied. I got some great shots and the tripod worked well for these shots. 

 Black-capped Chickadee

 Red-tailed Hawk
I was cutting through the woods from one path to another when this red-tail swooped over and landed on the top of a dead tree. I was able to move in closer and closer so I was actually under the tree. I think this may be the same hawk that we saw on Sunday eating the chipmunk. It was in the same general area.
 Red-bellied Woodpecker
 Female Downy Woodpecker
 This guy loved the almonds
 White-breasted Nuthatch
What an acrobat
 Tufted Titmouse
This nuthatch was checking things out from every angle