Thursday, February 25, 2021


Taken in May at Brookgreen Gardens..... I usually go to SC in April and the Magnolias are not in bloom then (everything else is). I went later so I could attend my granddaughter's graduation so I was on hand to see these beautiful flowers in bloom.


Forcing Bulbs

OK, here's the story........I had some tulip bulbs left over last fall. What to do? I got a cheap plastic pot from the garage, I potted up the bulbs and left the pot in the garage over the winter. Last week I brought the frozen green pot in, watered it and put it in a sunny window. In less than a week shoots are started to appear...yea. We will see if they bloom. I used to do this all the time years ago but always used top sized bulbs not bulbs from Lowes. Will let you know if I have beautiful tulip blooming in February.


Friday, February 19, 2021



Not a good picture but I was so happy to see this Meadowlark....first and only time that I've seen one. It was in a cornfield in Kansas, spotted first by my son. The highs of birding....this was one.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Overland Park Arboreteum, Kansas

Beautiful gardens even in winter 
Bird blind off of the nature trail. I really enjoyed using this and getting some photos
Really surprised to see this guy under a bird feeder......OK to see him in nature, not so great having one in my garage.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Red Bordered Amaryllis


This is the Amaryllis that my daughter gave is white with a red border. The other Amaryllis in bloom is white with a pink border. The two old plants that I have each have healthy leaves but no bloom stocks in sight. I have a pot of tulips waiting to come in from my garage.

Winter Trails


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Friday, February 5, 2021