Saturday, April 24, 2021


These Azaleas were at their peak when this photo was taken. The garden was at it's most beautiful. Missing South Carolina and missing my family....not missing the tourist and the traffic


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Nature Center

The nature center at Huntington Beach State Park burned to  the ground several years ago. I was so happy to see that it has finally been rebuilt. They did a very nice job and the inside was staffed to help answer questions and so on...lots of turtles and They also redid the bird feeding area but it seemed that the birds either haven't found it or were not interested.


Sunday, April 18, 2021



Photo taken from the causeway at Huntington Beach State Park
Snowy Egrets
(Click to enlarge)

Snowy Egret
Great White Egret

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Taken off of the cause way....Huntington Beach State Park


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Beautiful Brookgreen


A lovely drive through Brookgreen this morning. Everything is in bloom and it is absolutely beautiful. Words or photos can’t describe it.

I shot all these pics on my new iPhone XR. Tomorrow I plan on taking the SLR.