....... in my garden
Despite or maybe because of the chilly and wet spring, my back garden is so beautiful this year. I had tulips blooming that haven't bloomed for years. Everything is so healthy. In this photo are my beautiful PW Supertunias Bubble gum. Anyone can grow these and they are spectacular all summer long. In front is Allium, easy to grow and the foliage dies back soon after blooming. Below are chives that I have had growing there for over 20 years.My backyard has attracted some birds (other than sparrows) this spring. A few weeks ago a Baltimore Oriole stopped by. I just saw it one time. Of course there are the Hummingbirds coming to the feeder as well as the American goldfinch at the niger sock. I saw a Nuthatch doing acrobats on the trunk of my birch tree and a little Chickadee taking a drink from the kettle fountain. It's all happening in my back yard...lol
I planted this lilac last year and look at all those blooms. This Lilac blooms again in the summer and in the fall. Can't wait for it to get bigger.......fertilized it.