Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Big 4
Monday, August 29, 2011
Art of Walking Too
October is it's sunset sky; November it's later twilights.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Art of Walking

The art of walking or taking a walk may be as simple as stepping out your front door and walking around your neighborhood or as complicated as months on the Appalachian Trail. If you walk for the exercise or walk to experience the great outdoors there are great benefits no matter.
I am an amateur walker as walkers go....an amateur walker, amateur birder and butterfly chaser. I have a lot to learn about walking both practical and spiritually.
If you have ever met a mosquito that you liked, read no further! If you have been attacked by a swarm of these obnoxious creatures or worse yet, the viscous black fly, you know that you have to come armed and ready. I use the fairly new Off fan which I call my fanmobile. It isn't enough, however. Bug spray over ever part, exposed or not will keep them from biting but not from buzzing around your head. Backpackers have many tricks, if they didn't they would have to give it up.
Keeping the sun from your face and the glare out of your eyes adds to the comfort of your walk. Also I must protect my expensive hair tint from the fading sunlight. You also need a precaution from the UV rays that cause skin cancer so be prepared with sunscreen and a great hat. I found my great hat (I thought) at Meijers for $4. It is white with a medium size brim. It really is the most cooling hat although easily stained. Immediate relief from the glare and heat.
When you step into the woods, meadow or marsh, all creatures, big and small, know that you are there. If you are very still they may become used to you and see you as non-threatening but I'm afraid that my white hat was like a police flashing light. It scared away birds, butterflies and dragonflies. I tried a few other hats but they all had their downsides. I finally just ordered a hat with UV protection, medium brim in a camouflage color. So far, so good.
Shoes and clothing choices are equally important but just use your common sense. Experience is the best teacher.
Henry David Thoreau
"Probably if our lives were more conformed to nature, we should not have to defend ourselves against her heats and colds, but find her our constant nurse and friend" That was written by Thoreau around 1866. Gosh, I would love it to be that way but living in the 21st century, I feel so lucky that there are still natural places to walk and enjoy. Wonder what Henry would think of our world today.
More on walking later....................
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
As I walked along at Kensington, I saw quite a few butterflies: monarchs, swallowtails, cabbage whites and small blue butterflies. However, butterflies are even worse than birds for posing and sitting still for a picture. It was hot and sunny and the butterflies seemed agitated, not alighting anywhere.