I had a lovely walk yesterday at Lake Erie Metropark on the woodlot trail. I was in search of the owl but he was not anywhere in sight....although I did take an interesting picture which I will post in the next few days and you can decide. There was a fresh coat of snow and it was pretty cold but I enjoyed the fresh air and exercise.
Today I went to Lower Huron and it had warmed up considerably. All the snow had melted and I was hot with all my gear on. I took some lovely photos and enjoyed the day.
To the right is a picture (not too clear) of the hawk
that was hanging around the neighborhood last
week. I opened the door to get my mail and chased him out of my big blue spruce. He flew across the street into my neighbor's maple. I swear, when I enlarged this photo I could see feathers sticking out of his beak.
The weather continues to be so really weird this winter. I read an article in the paper that it is due to La Nina....what is the difference from El Nina?? Don't know. It just said that the jet stream is not dipping down fromCanada, therefore, keeping the arctic cold weather to the north. Just doesn't seem like winter. The jet stream, however, is not keeping the clouds and gloom away.....the worst of winter for me. Well. count our blessings when we can because today is sunny! Yea!