Sunday, September 29, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Late September at the Park

 When I left this morning we were socked in with fog but the sun soon burned it off leaving a beautiful misty morning. While I appreciate so many people enjoying the metroparks  there were way too many people there for me today. (they scare the birds off...except for the Chickadees who are little beggars). Any way, it was lovely there and I am happy to say that I walked a mile and felt pretty good.....yea!

 The little beggar

I call all chipmunks Alvin

 This guy was making such a racket.....I guess that's why they call them "chip"munks

 Beautiful Bluebird

Was stumped on this one so I sent the pic to Paul at Lake Erie and he ID it as a male Scarlet Tanager in winter colors. I never would have guessed as I thought that a male Tanager was red all year round. Thanks, Paul! I will always be a rank amateur birder.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ready for Autumn

 Just a "few" of my Fall decorations.
What a beautiful day today.
Washed and hung out my sheets, made stew in the crock pot and now I am on my way to the library to pick up books on hold.......after a nap ;-)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hawkfest at Lake Erie Metropark

 Karen and Rita promoting Erie Shores Birding club....avid birders both.
 A little girl with a big Barn Owl
  Two men just enjoying the day with their  like medieval times
  A Gyrfalcon

American Kestrel

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hawkfest 2013

Barn Owl

Had a great time at Hawkfest today. Hope to get all my photos edited and ready to post soon.
Fall semester camera class starts tomorrow!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Lake at Kenisington

It was a beautiful, sunny August day when I took these pictures at Kensingtion Metropark. Today it is rainy and tomorrow it will be the first day of Autumn. I had planned on going to the Hawkfest at Lake Erie Metropark but due to the gloomy weather will go tomorrow instead ,,,,,a sunny day is predicted. They did away with the pancake breakfast. I really will miss it as the Crack O Dawn group used to all sit together. Don't know if they will do the usual presentation that went along with the breakfast. Hate to see old traditions vanish. I am looking forward to taking photos of all the raptors...such character in their faces.
Anyway, remembering this sunny day at the lake with fond memories......Kent Lake I believe it's called.

Dreamy scene

Bluebird on old grill
Canada Geese
Sunlight on the lawn
Would love to rent one of these swan boats!

Thursday, September 19, 2013