I love the nostalgia of these old buildings even though they are falling down wrecks.
The Vanity was built in the '20 and was a hopping venue for dances, big bands and later a rock club. From Tommy Dorsey in the 40's to the Stooges in the 70's, they all played here.
I was so lucky to have a good look around in the 80's. My friend's boyfriend was in a metal band called "Ugly But Proud" and they played the ballroom on several occasions. The poor building is in much worse shape now and that is saying something as back then it wasn't pristine that's for sure. It was in good enough shape to envision what it must have been like in it's heyday. The broad staircase leading up to the ballroom was impressive and I could picture couples buying their tickets and ascending up the stairway. The ball room floor "floats" on springs, I guess so you could get more bounce when doing the Lindy Hop. The floor was surrounded by tables and two huge bars. Wish I would have had my camera. I can close my eyes and see so clearly the coat check rooms. All the hangers were still there, each with a tag and number. Despite the dirt and dust, I caught a glimpse of what the Vanity had held.
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