Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mute Swan

Sitting on the nest. Taken at Kenxington Metropark.

It is hard to resist taking pictures of the Mute Swans. They are a beautiful water fowl and they are on every lake or marsh land that I go to. Gerry, our fearless leader, gives us frequent lectures on why he dislike this species so much.

The Mute Swan is a non-native, invasive species that damages the aquatic habitat because of their aggressive feeding habits. They are also aggressive in their behavior as well, driving away other species and even attacking fishermen and the like.

If you see a pair, note that the male's beak is a brighter color orange than the female.

Well, they do make a "Kodak moment" so regardless, I will probably continues to photograph them.

This is an Ameican Wigeon. Poor picture, I know, but they were way out on the lake. Hope to see a beautiful male wood duck soon but these guys were pretty colorful too and I had never seen them before.

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