Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Finch Story

I posted the other day that the Finches are back....both the Goldfinch and House Finch. I found a solution to a problem that I want to share. As soon as I hung the finch sock, the sparrows flocked to it. This has been an on going issue for several years so following advise that I got from a facebook friend I hung a bit of fishing line from the top of the sock hanging down. For a week no sparrows. I was worried that the fishing line would keep the finches away but there are 2 to 4 at a time getting the Niger seed. So far, no more sparrows. Thanks to my son-in-law for providing the fishing line.
The other day I was so happy to see two little Chickadees bathing in my kettle water feature. They were in the pitcher that empties out into the kettle.....just the right depth for them, I guess.I always hear them but seldom see the Chickadees about,  I also have a Cardinal pair nesting in my Blue Spruce in the front. It's all happening here on Pagel Ave.

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