I still am working on enjoying where I am when I am there...if that makes any sense. I look so forward to my walks but when I get there I think that I should be going home. There is nothing at home that is urgent...no one is there, nothing that has to be done. it is just some compulsion. I am working on it. I also need to wander slowly with my mind open to the environment and all it holds. Instead, I sometimes walk and worry about concerns and problems. I think "I am being
ridiculous"! And I am.
recently read this phrase "In order to see birds, it is necessary to become part of the silence". I think to see anything you need to become part of the silence and the environment. I need to be more observant. I need to feel the breeze and sun on my face, smell the earth and trees and see all that is around me.
Ulanawa, my friend from Crack O Dawn Coffee Club is always taking pictures of frogs and turtles and insects and I asked her where she finds all of these creatures. She takes her time, goes slow....a lesson to learn. Although I can't see myself singing to the deer...sorry Ula.
I saw a snake at
Kensington. Wow, that was a great find for me because he was there for only 2 seconds. I look and look in the water for frogs and hear their noise but where are they? I need to get some pointers from
Walking is like going through your life...running and in a hurry or slowly, missing nothing.