Saturday, June 23, 2012

What's Around the Bend?

You never know what you might see as you round a bend on the trail. Love this spider web catching the morning sun.
I have been birding for about 1 1/2 years now. It was at that time that I bought my Vortex binoculars and went on my first organized bird walk. I am getting better at spotting things but still  need to work on it. It takes a practiced and experienced eye.
So, I spotted a tiny thing (see below) on the top of a dead tree. Looking through my binoculars, I saw what looked like a hummingbird. Could it be? Could I believe my eyes? They are so tiny and I never picture them just sitting still. Got a not so good picture and it sure looks like a Ruby Throated Hummingbird to me. What do you think?
As I was taking the next bend in the trail, I heard the call of a Flicker. Now, when it comes to Woodpeckers, I most often see the Downeys and then the Red-Bellied, next the Flicker. I used to have a Flicker come to my neighborhood every spring and hammer on my or my neighbor's metal chimney cover. I always though it was a mating call :-). Anyway, I saw 3 Flickers in one tree and got an OK but not good picture. They are a great looking bird with the black mustache and a red patch on the back of their head.

There is only one look-out where you can see down the canal and there is  always something  there...Herons usually, but I have seen a Kingfisher several times. So, I was surprised to see several deer in the water eating fresh greenery. Really far off but decent pictures.
Really enjoyed a great morning on the trail at Lake Erie. Hope to do the Meadow Walk tomorrow.

When they say "fresh as a daisy" this is what they mean...a clump of freah and perfect flowers!

1 comment:

  1. A fantabulous walk!!! LOVE the hummingbird shot. I have yet to photograph one. I rarely see them and they are too fast for me! How exciting you got a good shot of one!!
